miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Mensaje -subidito de tono- de Fórceps a Blatter

El amigo AxL me pasó el formulario de FIFA para 'ruegos y preguntas'.

Les metí este tocho:

"Dear admin assistant to the executive assistant to the Über exec assistant of his Holiness Joseph Blatter,
Please convey this important message to him at your earliest convenience:

Dear Sepp,

While we do not appreciate much of what you, we believe FIFA could finally take a step forward in the right direction. After having miserably failed at each and every attempt to improve the game (golden goal, silver goal, goal referee, 4th referee,…) we have a suggestion for you to listen while you step into the Jacuzzi and wave your hand goodbye to the teenage lady about to leave the Ritz penthouse:

I mean ‘really prosecute’ simulation. A player faking an elbow to his face or a penalty kick when he went down untouched. Any such behaviors, pitiful beyond belief, which shame parents with their kids in front of the TV, need to be terminated.
Really terminated.
With penalties ranging from 5 to 20 suspension games. 
Not on the spot but reviewed the day after, and showing no mercy.

I know this will never get to you. In fact I have no idea what you do, how you got here, or what your merits are.
For once in your entire career, do something to get your name out of the wall of shame and improve the game that feeds you.
Not because you care, just for the money you milk out of it.

With best regards,

Hans Fórceps and 22 co-signors."

El instante antes de mandarlo...

...y la confirmación de envío.

No dudo que el viejo putero de Blatter jamás llegará a leerlo pero si una becaria 'de la conyeta' en Suiza lo agarra y lo manda a sus amigos nos podemos descojonar.

Pa que véan 'a qué dedico el tiempo libreeeeeeeee'

4 comentarios:

Uri Bruguera-Burriac dijo...

Mare de Déu com estem Fórceps, cartes merdoses a Blatter. Què será el següent?

En dues ocasions vaig poder a Mónaco fotre canya al mateix Platini. La primera l´hi vaig dir que Florentino s´estava carregant el futbol (estiu que va fitxar CR7-Kaka-Benzema) la següent vegada l´hi vaig dir que Mou era un fill de puta i un exemple lamentable pels nens (dies després del dit a l´ull). La seva resposta en els dos casos va ser riure i asentir amb el cap.

S´els hi enfot tot una puta merda,son com els de Lobo de Wall Street però amb 50-60 anys.

General Fórceps dijo...

AxL dijo...

Oh, ja et recordo un hate mail a Clos fa 1000 anys. O potser era un fax, mira si fa temps. O potser ho vaig somiar?

Cal queixar-nos encara que no serveixi per res, que deia aquell inoblidable filòsof que ara no recordo qui era.

Gran Post, resta punts per això:

While we do not appreciate much of what you, we believe...


Iceman86 dijo...

Bravo General!!!!!!

La verdadera historia de la rivalidad Barça-Madrid

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